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Lake District

Catbells Peak

Cumbria. Lake District.

The Lake District National Park in Cumbria is home to England’s ten highest mountains. These lofty peaks combine with stunning lakes, pretty Lakeland villages. This beautiful place was carved out long ago by glaciers and now it became one of the top choices for hiking.

We chose to walk up the Catbells Peak. I would strongly recommend to take your camera. There are parks and multiple lakeside openings, each is unique with its own serene private view.

We took a ferry to get to the foothill of Catbells Peak. While the ferry glided through peaceful waters of the lake, leaving a trail for the ducks to play with, a lot of picturesque views opened up. Even though we took lots of pictures, I still think that we didn’t grasp the divine breath of life of this place. To be honest, none of the articles and pictures could really reflect the feeling you get when you are actually there. You feel like you are touching one of God’s creations. The sun was out raying us with the warm and sparkly feeling.

Ferry Station

It took a couple of hours and a lot of breaks to get to the top. You would love to bring a trophy picture from the Peak. . Right at the top, where the mountain was a bit steep, it was thinking: “Oh, my God, what am I doing here, what if I fall?” But I had a confident partner who helped me up. It’s more fun to go with someone, or a group of people, so you could encourage each other.

Catbells Peak is always busy. Rain or wind, people go up with kids, just to experience the nature and see the views. Some take it as a challenge, I took it as new experience.

Catbells Peak

The Peak has plenty of space for people who want to celebrate getting to the top. You can see picnics, even Champaign bottles popping, people making pictures and lying down to soak up the nature, the air and the views.

Getting down is easy, but slippery…

Great picnic area.
Lake District National Reserve Park

I didn’t want to write a lot of words here, because pictures really speak for themselves.

Please see the map attached.

If you got inspired to visit this magical place, I will add some links for route creating

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